I was super excited when I purchased my first Intex Easy Set Deluxe Pool and remember spending every single minute of my free time swimming or just floating in my beloved pool. Although I did my pre-purchase homework and bought all the right accessories for my pool, I lagged behind on the pool chemistry — […]
I once had cold pool water, now I use the warm outside air to create warm pool water. Today I’ll explain the benefits of using a pool heat pump to heat your above ground pool, and justify the extra cost of buying a pool heat pump, instead of a gas heater or solar heating panels. At […]
在北京时间8月27日的报道中,著名篮球记者Shams透露,根据消息人士的信息,新奥尔良鹈鹕队与射手马特·瑞安重新签订了一份经过调整的为期一年的合同。 此前,鹈鹕裁掉了马特-瑞安。 2023-24赛季,瑞安为鹈鹕出战28场比赛,场均能得到5.4分1.4篮板,三分命中率45.1%。 Keyword: NBA live zhibo
“What’s the Difference between Inground and Above Ground Pool Equipment?” That is a question that may have crossed your mind at one time or another – usually when it comes time to buy an expensive piece of pool equipment, you may wonder if they are interchangeable. The answer is… it depends, or maybe yes, maybe […]
Pool opening season is here! The time of year when millions of backyard pools awaken from their long winter nap. Pool opening is a fun, exciting time, but it can also carry trouble with it. That long winter’s nap allowed plenty of time for issues to arise in your pool. When opening the pool, look […]
本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用 现在许多小伙伴在工作和学习的过程中都会使用到表格来统计数据,那么我们如何在表格中确保编号的唯一性呢?其实这个问题很简单,今天,小编就教大家在表格中怎么确保编号的唯一性,让我们来一起学习吧。 首先我们打开一个有编号的表格,一个单号对应一个产品,如下图所示: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 之后我们将编号一列选中,点击工具栏中的【开始】按钮,如下图所示: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 然后再在列表中点击【条件格式】,之后在弹出的列表中点击【突出显示单元格规则】,再选择【重复值】,如下图所示: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 然后会弹出一个窗口,在其中可以选择颜色,将重复值标成同一个颜色,之后点击【确定】,如下图所示: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 之后我们返回到表格中,就可以看到重复值变成了红色,就可以对重复值进行修改了,这样就保证了数字的唯一性,如下图所示: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 那么,在Excel表格当中筛选唯一性的技巧,看起来是不是很简单,大家学会了么? Keyword: wps官网下载
Aug 08 The Gilchrist Foundation has awarded five scholarships from the 2018 applicants. Congratulations to the recipients. We wish them well and are pleased to assist them with their education. They are as follows and their sponsoring companies; Martha Crow – Wurth Revcar Frederick, MD Madeline Bartush – XL Screw Lincolnshire, IL Michael Byrne – […]
本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用 EDATE 可以用来计算客户购买服务的到期日。具体该如何操作呢? >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 假设一批用户购买了WPS会员的服务,购买时间为6个月,如果要计算会员服务的到期日,具体操作方法如下: 选中B2单元格,点击插入函数,找到DDATE函数,然后点确定。 >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 选中A2填入开始日期,月数填入6,点击确定,这时到期日期就计算出来了。 >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 将光标定位到B2单元格右下角,当光标变成+字形时,选中下拉填充单元格,这样就能批量得出这些用户购买服务的到期日了。 >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 Keyword: wps官网下载
NEW LENOX, IL — Matt Kucala doesn’t plan to hit the gym again. It’s not that he doesn’t care about his health—actually, quite the opposite—but the 41-year-old Manhattan resident realized several years ago that he’d need to find innovative ways to maintain it. The New Lenox native’s father died of a sudden heart attack four […]
MANHATTAN, IL — Manhattan police turned to their social media following for help identifying two people suspected of stealing thousands of dollars of merchandise from a local hardware store—and it worked. On Nov. 6 just after 10 a.m., Manhattan police were called to Whitmore Ace Hardware, 210 S. State St., for a delayed report of […]
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