For every chlorine tablet that dissolves in your pool, a small amount of cyanuric acid also dissolves into the pool water. For most pools with adequate rain, backwashing and winter pump down, it won’t build-up to a high level. However in pools that are covered, indoors or with cartridge filters, and in dry regions with […]
Solar covers are a wonderful invention, but I’ve always added that they have a good bit of ‘hassle factor,’ in their use. They can be cumbersome to put on and off the pool, and even more when the solar cover is 4-5 feet above ground. Today’s post highlights the many sparks of genius from pool […]
Ah, spring. The time of year when the weather heats up, the days get longer, and algae blooms in pool water faster than you can say, “Daylight Savings Time.” It’s time to pull back those winter pool covers, and get to work opening your pool! Trying to cut corners and save time when cleaning, balancing […]
“何当载酒来,共醉重阳节”。10月11日(农历九月初九)重阳节到来之际,首尔中国文化中心举办“把酒话重阳”中国传统文化讲座。本次讲座活动沿用重阳节“登高赏菊,饮酒赏菊”的传统,带嘉宾在现场品尝菊花酒并详细介绍关于中国酒文化及中华优秀传统文化的相关知识。讲座现场邀请韩国主流媒体多位新闻主编和媒体高管参加,向他们讲述中华优秀传统文化故事,介绍民族节日的由来和文化传承。 重阳节,是中国民间的传统节日,日期在每年农历九月初九。“九”数在《易经》中为阳数,“九九”两阳数相重,故曰“重阳”;因日与月皆逢九,故又称为“重九”。九九归真,一元肇始,因此九九重阳节自古以来也一直被认为是吉祥的日子。古时民间在重阳节有登高祈福、拜神祭祖及饮宴祈寿、赏菊饮酒等习俗。传承至今,登高赏秋与感恩敬老成为当今重阳节活动的两大重要主题。 “九月九,饮菊酒,人共菊花醉重阳”。重阳佳节各地风俗不同,饮酒赏菊是其中普遍认可的传统习俗。由于菊的独特品性,被视为生命力的象征。菊花酒,在古代被看作是重阳必饮、祛灾祈福的“吉祥酒”。菊花含有养生成分,晋代葛洪《抱朴子》有南阳山中人家饮用遍生菊花的甘谷水而益寿的记载。菊花酒是药酒,味道微苦,饮后可使人明目醒脑,而且具有祛灾祈福的吉祥寓意。 本次“把酒话重阳”活动延续文化中心9月起启动的中国白酒文化讲座系列活动,作为文化中心2024年度开展的全新品牌项目,旨在以专题讲座为契机弘扬传播中华优秀传统文化,并通过韩国社会各界精英人士,不断加强韩国民众对中国文化的正确理解和全面认识。 责任编辑:耿孟冉 Keyword: 中华文明
随着赴华旅游便捷程度的不断提高,越来越多的法国网红博主将目光投向中国,使用相机记录中国的最真实一面。他们通过镜头捕捉日常生活、街头风景、独特的文化传统以及现代化城市的蓬勃发展,向他们的粉丝展示一个既亲切又充满活力的中国。 今年9月初,由中国文化和旅游部国际交流与合作局统一组织的2024欧洲国家旅行商新疆踩线活动成功举办。随团的洛伊克·拉加德(Loic Lagarde)是法国旅游专家、知名摄影博主,倾向于拍摄“明亮且色彩艳丽”的照片。他在影格上拥有约20万粉丝,海外版抖音上约有15万粉丝。 他记录了沿途新疆的独特风景和人文,踩线回程后,他陆续在影格发布了关于新疆的4篇图文和4篇视频,图文共计收获约6300点赞,其中一篇关于木孜塔格山的图文收获了超2000点赞,视频共计收获了约6万播放量。海外版抖音目前发布了两个关于新疆的视频,收获超3000播放量。 洛伊克拍摄的新疆木孜塔格冰川 洛伊克拍摄的新疆天堂湖 这些图文和视频一经发出,立刻在法国社交媒体引发了热烈反响,许多法国网友表示这些是他们从未见过的绝美风景,非常期望能够去实地探访。 洛伊克向旅游办透露,新疆的帖子发出后,他的私信“爆炸”了,许多法国国内外网友向他咨询新疆旅游的线路和产品,表达了赴疆旅游的强烈意愿。此外,洛伊克正积极与巴黎区政府或相关文化机构沟通,期望举办新疆图片展,以扩大此次赴疆采风拍摄的优质照片的影响力,吸引更多的法国游客了解新疆的文旅资源、赴疆旅游。今年五月,洛伊克还曾到中国重庆、张家界和成都等地自由行,其中仅一条关于张家界的视频在海外版抖音收获了83万多的播放量,也让他收获了大量粉丝。他的孩子目前也在学习中文,他表示非常希望能够借助自己的平台让更多法国人了解真实的中国,提升法国赴华旅游关注度。 随着社交媒体在旅游推广中的力量愈发庞大,旅游领域的网红博主的重要作用也不断彰显。这些旅游博主往往拥有强大且活跃的社群支持,尤其是法国年轻人群体。旅游博主把他们真实的想法、情感,旅游经验通过文字、图片或者视频进行分享,实时化呈现他们的旅程动态。他们的推荐也被认为是真实的经验分享,而不是广告。旅游博主的相关图文和视频让更多的法国人深入了解真实的中国,对塑造中国形象、提升当地民众赴华旅游的意愿与兴趣起到了十分积极的作用。旅游办也正积极与洛伊克为代表的许多法国网红博主建立联系,寻求合作机会,共同促进法国赴华旅游市场迅速复苏。 责任编辑:耿孟冉 Keyword: 美丽中国
PLAINFIELD, IL — The Plainfield Police Department received a grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation to continue enforcement campaigns in 2025. Deputy Dino Dabezic told Patch the grant totals $34,400. The funding is part of IDOT’s 2025 fiscal year, which runs from Oct. 1, 2024, to Sept. 30, 2025. Throughout the year, the grant […]
WILLINGTON, CT — A piece of not only Willington history, but Connecticut History is for sale. The historic circa 1820 Hiram Rider House, situated at the junction of Route 74 and Route 320, has been on the market for about a month. The price tag, according to the real estate web portal Zillow, is $409,900. […]
ELMHURST, IL – Years later, a man accused of twice strangling a woman and threatening to kill her in Elmhurst has not gone on trial. Louis Battistoni, 50, who lived in Elmhurst at the time of the reported incidents, also served time in prison for his role in a 2005 fight that led to a […]
Apr 22 From the NAW Blog The conduct of business will change as the Coronavirus crisis recedes, but it’s too early to know the new normal with certainty. Just as first reporting in any emergency often proves to be inaccurate and wrong, so too may early predictions about a new normal for doing business miss […]
Aug 12/22 3 Latest Trends in the Automotive Manufacturing Industry Automotive Manufacturing Industry What if the automobile industry landscape had changed and you didn’t even know it? If you’re in automotive manufacturing, it’s important to know how that landscape is changing. For example, in 2021 alone, Tesla managed to deliver 936,172 electric vehicles, breaking the previous […]
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