There are many articles out there which focus on loans and what to do before you apply. What many of these articles don’t cover, however, is how best to spend the cash once the loan has been approved and paid out. Of course, what any individual borrower does with their loan is up to them, […]
您可以使用 Google Ads 转化跟踪功能,在用户点击您网站上的某个按钮或链接时进行跟踪。例如,您可以在用户点击“立即购买”按钮或点击您移动网站上的电话号码时进行跟踪。 本文介绍如何添加和修改谷歌广告转化跟踪代码,以便跟踪客户在您网站上的点击操作。如果希望在网页加载时跟踪转化,请遵循这些说明进行操作。 准备工作 请您先确认以下事项,然后再向网站添加转化跟踪代码: 确保这是适合您的转化跟踪类型。 能够修改您的网站。请确保有人能够将相应代码添加到您的网站代码中,可以是您自己,也可以是网站开发者。 操作说明 在下面选择您要使用的转化跟踪代码版本,即可查看对应的操作。您只能从 Google Ads 获取网站级代码段,因此建议您改用这一新版本。旧版 Google Ads 中的代码仍然有效。 添加 Google Ads 转化代码,肯定是我们已经在Google Ads中设置了一种转化方式,例如:我们希望获取转化是根据用户点击了我们网站“预约演示”按钮,点击一次算作一次转化。 我们就需要在“工具与设置”中添加一个转化模型,添加完成之后,就可以到“代码”设置中获取代码,将代码添加到自己的网站上去。 要为预约服务设置转化跟踪,您的网页使用的代码中必须有全局网站代码和事件代码段。要添加该代码和代码段,请选择您的网页使用的框架,然后按照说明操作。 跟踪网站的点击事件如网站上每个页面都有的:“Book a Demo”。该按钮的id是“btn2”. 添加全局代码: 全局网站代码会将访问者添加到您的基本再营销名单中,并在您的网域上设置新 Cookie,用以存储将用户引导至您网站的广告点击的相关信息。您必须在您网站的每个网页上都安装此代码。 添加事件代码: 事件代码段与全局网站代码协同发挥作用,用于跟踪应作为转化加以统计的操作。请选择是要在网页加载时还是要在用户点击时跟踪转化。 事件代码分两种,第一种“网页加载”比较简单,我们只需要将该代码添加到表单提交成功后的页面即可。 事件代码第二种是点击,该代码需要根据您网页具体要跟踪哪一个按钮,进行代码编辑,不可以拿来就用,一定要修改! 修改后的“点击”事件的代码如下: <!– Event snippet for 预约服务 conversion page In your html page, add the snippet and call gtag_report_conversion when someone clicks […]
QT10-15 Automatic Hydraulic Concrete Paver Hollow Block Making Machine Siemens brand PLC control system / Siemens Motor / Omron Switch / International Standard Steel / Manganese steel mold QT10-15 block making machine is latest developed equipment product, which is a special-purpose equipment for making building block making machine. The material of this machine can be flyash, slag, gangue or the others […]
In the world of mining and construction, efficiency and durability are paramount, and reliable Rock Drilling Tools are the backbone of any successful operation. Global Mining Equipments (GME) has long established itself as a leader in this industry, renowned for manufacturing a vast array of rock drilling tools and accessories that cater to diverse drilling […]
With each passing day, technology has never ceased to unfold innovations and inventions. Some years ago, the prospect of video games was only possible for people who had access to a TV and PlayStation and Xbox, people who had a CD enabled laptop computers also enjoyed the sweetness of video games when they installed each […]
On September 18, CCTV reported that ZYS's orders for new energy bearings were booming. After half a year, this is the second time that CCTV has paid attention to ZYS after CCTV reported on March 14 this year that ZYS developed the world's first set of 25MW-class wind turbine main shaft bearings and gearbox bearings! Seizing the opportunity […]
The CNC lathe machine is a unique manufacturing technology allowing machine shops to create turned parts accurately and precisely. This machine combines the automated nature of computer numerical control (CNC) technology with various lathe tools to create high-precision parts (mostly of cylindrical shapes). However, given the wide variety of available CNC lathe tools, choosing an […]
Contents hide 1 Introduction 2 Understanding Pouch Packing Machines 3 Establishing a Routine Maintenance Schedule 4 Troubleshooting Common Issues 5 Optimizing Machine Performance Through Calibration 6 Enhancing Longevity with Replacement Parts and Upgrades 7 Training Personnel for Effective Machine Handling 8 Incorporating Technological Advances 9 Conclusion 10 FAQs on Pouch Packing Machine Maintenance Introduction Proper […]
Green teas are one of the most popular and widely consumed beverages in the world. And as demand for this healthy beverage continues to grow, so does the need for efficient and reliable packaging machines. At Spack Machine, we offer a wide range of packaging solutions for green tea producers, from small-scale operations to large-scale businesses. We […]
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