The U.K.-based group Stop the War Coalition, which Corbyn used to chair, called for an emergency protest Friday evening, calling the airstrikes “xenophobic and reactionary.”

“As well as deepening the tragedy of the Syrian people, this utterly irresponsible act threatens to widen the war and lead the West into military confrontation with Russia,” the group said, additionally slamming Prime Minister Theresa May for her support of the strikes.

“​It is shameful that​ Theresa May​ has rushed to support this act by the most xenophobic and reactionary U.S. president in history,” the coalition said.

The group’s protest is scheduled to take place from 5-7pm local time at 10 Downing Street.

Left Unity, a member of the European Left, stated Friday, “Actions such as these will not contribute to a political settlement or bring an end to the conflict in Syria and the tragic events taking place there. It can only make the situation worse. We call on the U.S. to cease attacks on Syria and to engage in international dialogue with the neighboring states and the international community.”

Many also contrasted Trump’s numerous attempts to ban Syrian refugees from entering the U.S. with his claim that he felt compelled to act after learning that Syrian children were killed in chemical attacks earlier this week.

Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch (HRW), tweeted, “So now will Trump lift his callous ban on Syrian refugees fleeing this slaughter? Or does he offer only force, not compassion?”

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