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Video —
This week on Being The Elite —
The Elite —
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Matt Jackson got a new phone that made him paranoid. It caused him to see Nick Jackson having a singles run with the TNT Championship, Christopher Daniels leaving to be head of talent relations for NXT and Brandon Cutler joining Best Friends.
It was revealed that Tony Schiavone was behind the phone as a way of getting revenge on Matt.
There was a Christopher Daniels visa joke in here and multiple Triple H references.
Highlights of FTR attacking Matt and Nick on Dynamite were shown.
Dark Order —
Dark Order threw a costume party. Evil Uno was dressed as The Riddler. Alan Angels and Preston Vance were both The Joker. Alex Reynolds was Slutty George Washington. John Silver was Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. Stu Grayson was Slutty Robin.
“Broken” Matt Hardy, Sammy Guevara, Leva Bates, Nyla Rose and Griff Garrison appeared at the party. Private Party were not allowed in.
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John Silver defeated Colt Cabana/Michael Nakazawa
Matt Jackson defeated Fuego Del Sol
Trent defeated Matt Hardy
Miscellaneous bits —
Brandon Cutler asked various AEW talent backstage who would win in his match with Peter Avalon on Dark.
Eddie Kingston cut a promo on Halloween