London – British Vogue is celebrating its 100th anniversary featuring the
Duchess of Cambridge on its cover.
As part of a partnership with the British National Portrait Gallery, the
Duchess will appear on the centenary June 2016 issue of the fashion
magazine and have two of her portraits hung in the gallery.
A spokesperson at Kensington Palace stated: “The Duchess was delighted to
play a part in celebrating the centenary of an institution that has given a
platform to some of the most renowned photographers in this country’s
history. The Duchess had never taken part in a photography shoot like this
before. She hopes that people appreciate the portraits with the sense of
relaxed fun with which they were taken. She is incredibly grateful to the
team at Vogue and at the National Portrait Gallery for asking her to take
part,” he added.
The photos were shot by Josh Olins and styled by British Vogue fashion
director Lucinda Chambers. The pictures will run alongside an article in
the centenary edition of the fashion magazine released this week.
Vogue 100: A Century Of Style will run at the National Portrait Gallery in
central London until May 22.