It was over 100
years ago that explorer and entrepreneur Sir Ernest Shackleton made his
now-legendary trek across the Antarctic – an epic tale of survival and
endurance which is being brought to life by the Shackleton Company through
one of the most used mediums today – social media.
epic escape from the Antarctic exactly 100 years ago. Retold on Twitter:—
TheShackletonCompany (@TheShackletonCo) April 6,
Sir Shackleton and his crew were left stranded during their Imperial
Trans-Antarctic Expedition when their ship, the Endurance, became stuck in
the ice. After spending close to 500 days at sea, Sir Shackleton decided to
lead his men back to land and safety. It was during this 6 week journey
that Sir Shackleton defined himself as one of the world’s greatest leaders,
as he led his 27-men crew to land, without the loss of a single life. Now,
his tale of endurance is being re-told by the Shackleton Company to unite
and inspire the next generation of adventurers, social entrepreneurs and
explorers. “It’s something that we had thought about for quite sometime,”
explained Ian Holdcroft, Managing Director at Shackleton over the phone to
“As you are aware, the expedition that he is most well known for is his
Trans-Antarctic expedition, which took place from 1914 to 1916,” continued
Holdcroft. “We are at that 100-year anniversary now and we wanted to use
social media to give Shackleton a voice, as if he is doing the expedition
now and tweeting live from the ice. I feel that if he was alive today and
making the same journey, that he would use Twitter and social media to
communicate with the outside world.” In order to bring Shackleton’s voice
to life, as authentically as possible, the clothing company has teamed up
with the Scott Polar Institute in Cambridge, which holds the diaries the
explorer wrote during the epic trek.
#Endurance is
but a fading memory. A man must shape himself to a new mark directly the
old one goes to ground.— TheShackletonCompany
(@TheShackletonCo) April 8,
Holdcroft believed that Twitter was the most suitable social media platform
to share Shackleton’s tale, rather than Facebook or Instagram due to the
nature of the source material being used. “They were at sea, or on the ice
or battling the elements at the time, so a lot of his diary entries are in
a very bullet point fashion, which makes Twitter the perfect medium to
translate that,” noted Holdcroft. “The whole idea is that readers could
‘follow’ him and the other stories as though it was happening right,
although it took place 100 years ago. So that’s what we are doing with the
overriding objective of trying to reach a wider audience.” He strongly
believes that social media is a powerful tool which can be utilized to
connect and unite communities around the world, whilst acting as a strong
storytelling tool – “as long as brands remain true to themselves and their
Although there is already is a large global community of Shackleton
enthusiasts, Holdcroft hopes the campaign will touch and inspire a more
diverse and even younger generation. “The next doers, social entrepreneurs
and explorers, so people can be inspired by him and his story,” he added.
So far the campaign, which first began on April 6 has attracted attention
from all over the globe, from the likes of modern day explorers such as Ben
Fogle and Levison Wood, to TV and radio presenters, business leaders and
the fashion industry. “As a brand we are very conscious that we want to
protect and culture people to Shackleton’s legacy, so it’s as relevant
today as it was 100 years ago…it is also a way for us to leave a
footprint on 2016 and show what we want to represent as a brand going
can sustain life with scanty means. Given barest opportunity of winning
food & shelter, man can live and even find laughter ringing
true.— TheShackletonCompany (@TheShackletonCo) April 9,
The Shackleton Company is best known for its men’s wear, inspired by Sir
Shackleton’s legacy. However, Holdcroft has his sights set on evolving the
brand into a social enterprise. “I want Shackleton to be a brand that
people are inspired by and able to contribute to.” With this change in
mind, the label has tapped new designers to create its Autumn/Winter
2017/2018 collection, who are currently designing and producing a limited
edition ‘ultimate’ survival jacket, which will be the focal point of the
collection. The jacket, a ‘Hero’ piece, is to be designed to be worn in the
coldest winters of the Antarctic as well as in the Autumn, a versatile item
which reflects what the brand stands for. “Society is stuck in a throw-away
mentality when it comes to fashion and we looking to change that and built
products which endure, as Shackleton and his crew did.”
The clothing label, which is made in the UK and as ethically and
sustainably as possible, is set to design pieces which are made to last and
cherished by its owners. “Look after it and it will look after you, it
almost becomes a companion in a way,” noted Holdcroft. By addressing
consumers unconscious shopping habits and making them think more mindfully
in terms of how and where they shop, Shackleton aims change the way people
shop. “There is a challenge, not just for us but for all fashion brands and
businesses in general – a political, environmental one, to try and shift
that mentality and to make people connect how they think and feel and what
they actually do and how they actually behave,” concluded Holdcroft, who
made it clear that this is a challenge he and Shackleton are very keen to
take on. “People have to make that conscious decision to either invest more
financially and emotionally in what they are purchasing at the time – or
men speak cheerfully of home. The difficulties we still have to overcome
dwindle in fancy almost to nothing. #Shackleton—
TheShackletonCompany (@TheShackletonCo) April 13,
are 346 miles from where the #Endurance sank, but at
last! The firm ground of Elephant Island. #Shackleton—
TheShackletonCompany (@TheShackletonCo) April 15,
dig out a site, amid the thawing penguin guano, for two tents in the debris
of the rookery. #Shackleton—
TheShackletonCompany (@TheShackletonCo) April 18,
look back at the beach reveals the forlorn party I’ve left behind. #Shackleton—
TheShackletonCompany (@TheShackletonCo) April 24,
Man’s humour is easily stirred by others’ petty
misfortunes. Worsley toys gingerly with the cooking pot like a delicate
item of lady’s wear.— TheShackletonCompany (@TheShackletonCo)
26, 2016
a dry inch on this boat. We cover our heads with our @Burberry. We simply endure the
all-pervading water.— TheShackletonCompany
(@TheShackletonCo) April 27,
cling to a battered little boat…”alone, alone, all, all alone on a
wide, wide sea.” So low in water swells cut the skyline from
sight.— TheShackletonCompany (@TheShackletonCo) May 1,
Photos: Courtesy of Shackleton