London – The former chairman and CEO of luxury fashion house Gucci, Patrizio di
Marco, is rumoured to be making the jump for Italian luxury label Dolce &
Gabbana. According to numerous media reports, di Marco could join the board
of D&G anytime this month as he is pegged to prepare the fashion house for
it much awaited IPO.
Although the speculation on di Marco appointment has yet to be confirmed,
sources indicate that he would be a good match for D&G, as he spent six
year at the helm of Gucci and has been credited for leading sales to
increase close to two-thirds during his tenure at the Kering owned brand.
In addition, D&G is believed to be establishing a team for di Marco to work
with as they recently named Diana Zanetto, Gucci’s former head of
merchandising amd licensing and one of di Marco’s trusted advisors at the
time, to a senior position at the fashion house.
Photo: D&G, AW 16, Milan Fashion Week