TMZ made a post earlier tonight saying that there could be another drug scandal in WWE. They’re calling it the “Soma Coma” — the abuse of the powerful muscle relaxer by wrestlers.
Former WWE Diva Terri Runnels talked to regarding the abuse of somas in World Wrestling Entertainment. Terri told TMZ, “The boys eat Somas like candy.” According to Terri, wrestlers have been getting high on Somas for years. “I’ve personally seen a WWE Superstar nearly die right in front of me after taking 13 Somas … while still behind the wheel of his car!” She also added, “If the wrestlers’ addictions and mental health issues continue to be ignored, I’m afraid that I’ll have more friends turning up dead — all because no one cares.”
WWE quickly issued a statement after the post regarding Somas was made:
WWE finds the abuse of drugs and steroids to be unacceptable, and such behavior is actively discouraged. For 20 years the WWE has been doing something to address the issue of steroid and drug use. We instituted our first drug testing program in 1987. In February 2006, we instituted our latest and most comprehensive drug testing program ever as part of our new Talent Wellness Program as a deterrent to steroid and drug abuse . We cannot account for the poor personal decisions a small minority may make outside the workplace to undermine these efforts.
News on WWE possibly bringing back a former WWF “Attitude-era” star! (>>)