Las Morenas del Caribe 1966-2011
As the European and Asian competitions, at the other side of the planet people also celebrate Volleyball in a similar way and in equal magnitude. I refer to the Central American Games and Islands of the Caribbean, the NORCECA games , the South American Championship of Volleyball and as maximum exhibition, the Pan-American Games where there join the Countries participants of the regional already mentioned competitions.
The Central American rivalry that began to be celebrated in 1926 is the less competitive of all. So much in both branchs and Cuba, Mexico and lately in women’s, Dominican Republic are the dominant Countries.
The representative games of the North, Center and the Caribbean (NORCECA), which began in 1969, are more competitive and Cuba also dominates the medal spot followed very closely by the North Americans. Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic are remained by them latecomers.
Very similar to the NORCECA in quality, but of more antiquity (antique) since it began to be celebrated in 1951, we have the South American championship of Volleyball, where Brazil is owner and master of the spectacle with 29 golden medals and Argentina has achieved only one. Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Colombia and Uruguay also participate in this event but there not far contenders.
These three competitions mark the step towards the major activity called Pan-American Games (started in 1955), and it is where face powers of the World Volleyball top ranked as Brazil, USA and Cuba.
From middle of the decade of 60’s until 2011 the Cuban and the Brazilian team have been kept consisting of the Pan-American medal, Central American, NORCECA and even more worldwide close to Brazil, USA, Russia, Italy, Poland among others.
RankingNationGold SilverBronzeTotal1Cuba543122Brazil464143USA44084Argentina10455Venezuela10016Mexico01237Canada0022
RankingNationGoldSilverBronzeTotal1Cuba831122Brazil42283USA155114Mexico10345Dominican Rep10016Peru05387Canada0011
From July 10 to 26 of 2015 in Toronto, Canada the next Pan-American Games will be celebrated and surely Cuba will have a difficult way to cross in order to achieve the successes of the past due to the athlete’s desertion in search of better way of life. That makes the United States and Brazil being are outlined as the favorites to dominate the next Pan-am title.
(Photo by Netty Mariño)
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