Have you ever heard the saying that diamonds are a girl’s best friend? Sure, you have, but you might be surprised to learn that handbags are the real MVP when it comes to styling. Just look at everything the handbag does for you. It holds all the essentials like your wallet, your phone, lip-gloss, and now you can style it to match your modern outfit. Of course, as you probably already know fashion can be a fickle beast at best. And, matching the wrong styles with the wrong colors will throw off the whole ensemble. With the following tips, you will be able to avoid such disastrous situations and stand out amongst the masses.
Most women already know that they need a handbag for just about every different occasion. As a rule of thumb, small bags usually give off a more sophisticated look while those larger bags give a more casual presence. However, this does not necessarily mean that those bigger bags won’t work with modern formal wear. You can combine a larger clutch or stiff bag with formal outfits and you will pull off the look that you are seeking. If you are out shopping, you can pair an over-sized duffel or hobo bag with a pair of sneakers, shorts, and a regular old t-shirt. Roomy tote bags go along great with modern tailored trousers.
Most women already know that they need to choose clothes that mesh with their body styles, but they don’t realize that the same concept applies to handbags as well. You need to choose the right bag that will accent your best features. Pear-shaped bodies are usually better off with hip length bag or slimmer waist-length bags. Women with a big bust should opt for a saddle bag or anything that draw attention away from the bosom area. If you have curves all over the place long, slim bags are ideal for you. Petite women should choose anything with a long hanging strap or fringes. Rounded, oversize bags are the best option for tall and thin women. If you want the same quality designer handbags that can show off your body style for just a fraction of the cost, you should check out this best replica bags shopping guide.
if you want a ladylike look when you out going about your daily actives, you simply cannot beat the feminine fit, flared dress combined with the structured handbag. This bag is simply classic in appearance and shape and best complements this type of dress. To really pull the looks together opt for a bag that is made of soft leather and medium in size. A top handle or over the shoulder style will both work.
If you are one of those modern sporty women that like running around in jeans then there is nothing better for you than the cross body bag. The bag is compact and lightweight and hands-free, but best of all it is a no-nonsense bag that is capable of tying the whole look together. Such a bag coupled with pebbled leather will offer a chic and sporty look.