Melamine hanger bearings will face a new competitor in the sugar industry, as a result of the development and active promotion of the abrasion-resistant polymer Hitemp 150 FG. The polymer’s name signifies that it can be used in applications that run at temperatures up to 150ºC. Manufactured from ingredients that are all food grade approved, […]
國內疫情持續蔓延,不少人都受到影響,要求房東調降租金的呼聲也越來越多,面對這樣的風氣,房東該如何處置?其實「租約公證」是最有效的辦法,透過強制執行讓繳租有問題的房客儘速搬走,省去日後花費更多時間心力(和訴訟費),房子還拿不回來! 那如果是已經簽約,或還來不及完成公證的房東呢?許多房東都提出了不錯的做法,不僅能解決房客的困難,還能增加自己的出租經驗值,在此整理幾招給各位參考。 第一招、延後交租創造雙贏 有些房客會認為自己較弱勢而要求減租,不減租就像是罪過一樣,這也是讓房東最頭痛的部分,房東也得面對房貸、工作和家庭等因素,其實壓力沒有比較小。 尤其讓筆者不解的是許多房客要求房東降租,卻無法出示工作受影響證明,人還住在房子裡使用者付費這到底千年不變,既然雙方已經簽了租約,其實房東可以不必降租金。若房客真的工作收入受損也沒預備金,但平時乖巧繳租,建議參考以下做法: 折衷的做法是延後繳租期限,先收一半的租金,並在之後繳租的時候「關心」一下房客,一方面可以搏感情,另一方面了解對方工作的近況,等到收入逐漸穩定,就可以慢慢收回之前的價差。採取調整的做法也一定要留下簡訊、LINE訊息…..等日後可證明的書面證據,以免日後糾紛麻煩。 當然,如果房客能出示停業證明就更好了,別一看到房客傳訊息說工作受到影響,就輕易答應要減租囉! 立即刊登物件住宅、店面、辦公室、車位等空間皆可刊登出租,現在就來租租通尋找好租客吧 Keyword: 室內設計
What Should I Look for When Buying an Authentic Handmade Sword? Purchasing a handmade Japanese sword is not just about acquiring a weapon or a piece of metalwork—it’s about embracing a rich tradition of craftsmanship and artistry that spans centuries. These swords, particularly the famous katana, embody history, cultural significance, and meticulous skill. However, with so […]
Price: Keyword: listing time: 2025-02-21 22:53:24 Price: Keyword: listing time: 2025-02-21 22:54:35 Price: Keyword: listing time: 2025-02-21 22:57:12 Price: Keyword: listing time: 2025-02-21 22:55:13 Price: Keyword: listing time: 2025-02-21 22:56:03
The 170M5709,from Bussmann / Eaton,is Specialty Fuses.what we offer have competitive price in the global market,which are in original and new parts.If you would like to know more about the products or apply a lower price, please contact us through the “online chat” or send a quote to us! Specifications Package Payment Shipping Contact US […]
The 170M6889,from Bussmann / Eaton,is Specialty Fuses.what we offer have competitive price in the global market,which are in original and new parts.If you would like to know more about the products or apply a lower price, please contact us through the “online chat” or send a quote to us! Specifications Package Payment Shipping Contact US […]
Edited by Mike Santora A small but vocal discussion in the 3D printer community is on bearings and bushings that are used by 3D printers, and how these can be optimized to create better printers and better print quality. Some think 3D printing will run counter to globalization by ensuring that end users will begin […]
The LPJ-15SPI,from Bussmann / Eaton,is High speed fuses.what we offer have competitive price in the global market,which are in original and new parts.If you would like to know more about the products or apply a lower price, please contact us through the “online chat” or send a quote to us! Specifications Package Payment Shipping Contact […]
Wear problems in the mining industry can be solved by using wear-resistant ceramics. Wear-resistant ceramic is a kind of ceramic material with excellent wear-resistant properties, which has the characteristics of high hardness, high strength, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, etc., and is suitable for various working conditions. Wear problems in the mining industry can be […]
The purpose of thread rolling is to use the rolling tool to apply a certain pressure on the workpiece surface, so that the surface metal of the workpiece will flow plastically and fill into the original residual concave troughs, thereby reducing the surface roughness of the workpiece. Due to the plastic deformation of the rolled […]
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