The decision to book a second flight with SpaceX was made like any other, Pollack said, starting from scratch with an analysis of the launcher’s flight record, projected costs and other factors.”If you go back from then until now, (SpaceX has) a very perfect history of launches,” he said. “I believe they are doing a very good job. So (the mishap) was very unfortunate for us, but it was not a good reason enough not to look at the situation from scratch and decide which is the right launcher for us and hope that the lightning doesn’t hit again.”He would not discuss details of the AMOS-17 contract with SpaceX, whether Spacecom got a discount or any other consideration, saying only “we had long discussions. At the end of the day, we agreed on the terms of this launch.”Stationed 22,300 miles above central Africa, the Boeing-built AMOS-17 satellite will support a variety of communications services, including high-speed C-band coverage, steerable Ka-band coverage from China to Brazil and Ku-band coverage across Africa and parts of Europe, the Middle East, India and China.The 14,330-pound satellite has an expected orbital lifetime of 20 years.”This satellite cost us about $250 million in orbit,” Pollack said. “We hope to recover (that cost) … in about six or seven years. And then, because it’s 20 years, we have hopefully a long life to make profit.”

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