“This bill is simply harassment,” said Sen. Lynn Rogers, a Democrat from Wichita, whose said the law was directed at intimidating the few abortion providers that remain in the state. Women’s health advocates, reports the Kansas City Star, worry that if they print the form out at home using the wrong color paper or ink they could have to reschedule their appointments.

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Kansas—which according to the Associated Press now has only “has fewer than 10 physicians performing abortions for three providers”—has been at the forefront of states pushing increasingly restrictive abortion laws in recent years.

Earlier this month, the Guttmacher Institute, which provides research and analysis on women’s health and reproductive care, released a study showing that state governments in the U.S. are increasingly passing abortion restrictions that “lack a foundation in rigorous scientific evidence.” Of the many states surveyed, Kansas was tied for first with Texas for using dubious scientific claims as the basis for restricting women’s access and care.

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