Though he defended Russia’s military presence in Crimea, he also said Russia wants to see the situation resolved through new talks. He said,  “Any internal crises should be overcome by dialogue of all political forces, ethnic and confessional groups, in compliance with international obligations, first of all the obligations on international humanitarian law, the protection of human rights and ethnic minorities rights.”

Also speaking from Geneva, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon urged all parties to step back from harsh rhetoric and find a path to peaceably resolve the fragile situation. “It is now of utmost importance to restore calm and to de-escalate tensions immediately through dialogue,” he said. “I will urge that the Russian Federation refrain from any acts and rhetoric that could further escalate the situation and instead to engage constructively and through peaceful means with Ukraine.”

Hague’s visit to Kiev on Monday included a meeting with Ukraine’s new interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk where the U.K. government offered the newly declared government both political and financial backing. U.S.  Secretary of State John Kerry is also now scheduled to visit Kiev in a show of American support.

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