Road accidents are India’s biggest cause of unnatural deaths; in 2021, over 1.5 lakh lives were lost in 4.1 lakh mishaps.
According to the ‘Road accidents in India 2021’ released on Wednesday, 4,12,432 road accidents occurred in the 2021 calendar year, which claimed 1,53,972 lives while 3,84,448 people were injured.
In other words, on average, 1130 accidents and 422 deaths were reported daily on Indian roads or 47 accidents and 18 deaths every hour in 2021.
The report pointed out that evening hours, especially the three-hour duration between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. recorded the maximum number of road accidents in the country in 2021.
“In 2021, the time interval between 18:00 and 21:00 hours recorded the maximum number of road accidents, accounting for 20.7 per cent of the total accidents in the country and this is in line with the pattern seen over the past five years,” said the report.
The second highest time interval in the day was between 15:00 and 18:00 hours, constituting 17.8 per cent of road accidents.
“As per the data, afternoon and evening hours are the most dangerous time to be on the road. The time interval of 0.00 hours to 6:00 a.m. saw the least number of accidents,” said the report.
Young adults in the age group of 18-45 years accounted for 67.6 per cent of victims during 2021, while people in the working age group of 18-60 years share 84.5 per cent of total road accident fatalities.
The gender-wise comparison of road accident deaths for the year 2021 reveals that the total number of males and females killed was 1,33,025 (86.4%) and 20,947 (13.6%) respectively.
A total of 29,144 pedestrians were killed due to road accidents in 2021, 23,551 (80.8%) were male and 5593 (19.2%) were female.
Out of a total of 1,42,163 fatal accidents reported in 2021, 50,953 (35.8 per cent) were on National Highways, 34,946 (24.6 per cent) were on State Highways and 56,264 (39.6 per cent) were on other roads.
Under the road feature category, 67.5 per cent of accidents took place on straight roads, whereas accidents on curved roads, pothole roads and steep grades together accounted for only 13.9 per cent of the total road accidents in 2021.
Among vehicle categories involved in road accidents, two-wheelers, for the second consecutive year, accounted for the highest share in total accidents and fatalities during 2021.
Light vehicles comprising cars, jeeps and taxis come at a distant second.
Regarding road-user categories, the share of two-wheeler riders in total fatality has been the highest (45.1 per cent) during 2021, followed by pedestrian road users with 18.9 per cent of persons killed in road accidents.
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