In Sweden, where wind provides about 8 percent of total consumption, installed capacity has more than doubled to about 5,000 MW in 2014 from 2010—and that number is expected to reach 7,000 MW within three years.

Nordic countries are not alone in making this transition. Last month, the New York Times heralded Germany’s push to develop renewable sources of energy in the past few years.

Writing at Common Dreams, Joseph J. Mangano, executive director of the Radiation and Public Health Project in New York, said Germany’s example was instructive: “For years, many have claimed that renewables were far too costly to ever be a major force in the energy mix,” he said. “Germany’s transition proved otherwise. The largest, 60-story windmill cost $30 million; up to 500 of these matches the cost of a single new nuclear reactor. The program has been financed by a fee of just $280 per home per year (now being offset by declining electricity bills). Because of the large amount of wind and solar power now in place, per-unit costs are plunging—not just in Germany, but worldwide.”

Mangano continued, “Germany’s energy future, highly dependent on safe renewable sources like wind and solar, will pay great dividends. Its people will see lower electric bills. Fewer will suffer from costly diseases like cancer. Effects of global warming will be slowed. The U.S. and other developed nations should observe the German effort and step up efforts to build an energy mix based largely on safe, renewable sources.”

And now, perhaps, the Nordic effort too.

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