Not everyone is happy about the prospective changes.

“The proposal,” the Wall Street Journal reports, “drew immediate criticism from the financial industry.”

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Weissman added, “In a desperate attempt to protect the rip-off clauses that give big banks and other financial companies an effective license to steal, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the financial industry are going to do everything in their power to stop this rule.”

“But despite their enormous economic and political power, they are going to fail,” according to Weissman. “The case for the CFPB’s action is just too strong. And the American people, simply, have had enough: We the People will no longer tolerate the banks and Wall Street picking our pockets and buying public policy.”

The Times suggests a positive outcome for consumers as well, stating that the rule “seems almost certain to take effect, since it does not require congressional approval.”

Conusmers Union previously noted that even “before the CFPB […]opened its doors, it has come under attack by opponents of reform,” and the Sunlight Foundation reported last week that “Senate Republicans tried very hard to stop it from functioning at all, and since then they’ve tried to ‘tighten the leash’ on the agency. Nearly five years since it officially opened, a new dark money group is taking aim at the agency — and no one has any idea who’s behind it.”

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